In photography composition, it’s not just how you arrange the elements in an image. The way that you compose the shot in the viewfinder is crucial, too. Composition usually defines as a visual process of arranging the individual details and elements of a scene to make a great photograph. It may sound clichéd, but there are no rules that direct right or wrong composition in photography. The entire thing you’ll need is only your own personal taste.
But still, there
are various advanced guidelines of photography composition which can help you
to get a pleasing and balanced arrangement in almost any situation. Avoid a
composition that confuses the viewer or that can’t deliver your intended
meaning. Effective composition is a key element of appealing photograph. It can
communicate what you want the viewer see, and that still draws the attention.
composition you choose, the better your intended message of a photograph is
delivered to the viewer. The art of arranging a scene’s elements will also
contribute to how well the graphic design of your pictures. Besides the
placement of elements, there are other considerations which can be applied to
get good composition.
Guidelines of Composition in Photography
Instead of
considering the composition as rules to follow, it should be described as a
number of guidelines that can be used to enhance the impact of your images. The
key is to put in your mind that photographer rarely uses all the rules of
composition in the making of a picture. In the same way as chef puts different
ingredient on each different dish, that a photographer treats the rules of
composition as guidelines that can be uses differently on different scene. Besides,
some photographers can make excellent pictures in despite of violating the
rules of composition. But, you still need to take a look at the composition guidelines,
which are time-proven and tremendously valuable.
of composition consist of pattern, symmetry, balancing elements, texture,
viewpoint, depth of field, framing, and leading lines. You will be able to spot
them everywhere, but not all of them could be found in a single scene. That’s
why you need to treat each scene you want to shot, differently.
Once you are familiar with these composition guidelines and know how they work, you will be able to do experiment and break the rules when you feel they don’t have any impact on your image. That’s called personal style, and based on your creativity. There are no rules, just things that you need to consider in your photography and they reflect your own personality.